History of beading

History of beading with Peyote Creator

PeyoteCreator version 3.24 realised on October 9, 2024.Download now

The program “PeyoteCreator” appeared at September 2020. It has implemented the basic features of creating beading schemes in classical and geometric formats. Below is information about all versions of the program. The next version work is underway. We accept your suggestions on its capabilities – iko57@mail.ru

Version 3.24 realised on October 9, 2024. The news belong to peyote star.

  • Now a star marking is possible for any number of rays in the range from 4 to 16. Earlier it worked for rays numbers 5 and 6 only.
  • Now the marking of vertices for the reverse side has the reverse order as F, E, … B,A. Earlier it was as A,B,…F always.

Version 3.23 realised on May 12, 2024. There is a feature for show palette color symbol in vertical mode, earlier a symbols can be shown in slanted mode only. Also there is a feature to hide bead’s colors and show black symbols over white background, that can be done for both vertical and slanted modes. Beads with colors and without symbols modes are availabe also. See video here.

Version 3.22 realised on April 18, 2024. There is following news belong to peyote star:
Now the program provides 4 variants how to separate a peyote star on several warped squares – dialogs export into pdf and star legend.

Version 3.21 realised on April 7, 2024. There are following news belong to peyote star:
a) Fixed a bug belongs to non-corect part of reverse side of peyote star.
b) Added 2 ways how to separate a peyote star on several warped squares – dialogs export into pdf and star legend.
c) Added “save warped square design” feature for peyote star – dialog star legend.
d) Added “copy on another side” feature – dialog symmetric drawing.

Version 3.20 realised on March 1, 2024. There are following news belongs to import picture feature (see video):
a) It’s a possible to import picture on a pattern without closing of picture preview window. This allows easy to resize and to relocate importing area for next time.
b) Next time importing starts with the pattern initial colors. This allows to accept picture colors as we need.
c) There is “filter color feature”, which allows execute unnecesary background area from import.

Version 3.19 realised on February 26, 2024. There are following news:
– Fixed the bug belongs to warped square of a peyote star with odd rays number. There was wrong left-right mirroring for top and right parts of these squares. I would like to thank the user of the program Cristy.C., who explained this error to me.
– Now you can customize the appearance of the arc markers for the directions of the rows of the word chart of the warped squares. See 2nd tab of the dialog Service \ Design parameters.

Version 3.18 realised on February 22, 2024. There are following news:
– It’s possible to select an interesting part of a beading design while an image importing.
– There are special signs\marks for direction of word chart rows for warped square for peyote star pdf output(clockwise or countclockwise). The signs implemented both as corresponding arc on warped square image and as corresponding sound within warped square pdf page title.

Version 3.17 realised on February 17, 2024. The version update belongs to peyote star legend. Peyote star standard assemble technics is a conntection of several warped squares. The standard way to represent a warped square is by word chart. It is difficult for a beginner to understand the details of this multi-square star assembly. To make this easier to understand, the program offers the following path, called a legend. The legend is a visual comparison of the location of each bead on the surface of a 3D star and its location on the plane of the corresponding warped square. See video here.

Version 3.16 realised on February 2, 2024. The version update belongs to peyote star word chart, which consists from several warped squares word charts. Each word chart the latest row always includes several “removed” beads. Earlier the word chart doesn’t have any info regarding to the removed beads locatons – the program assumes that users have know these locations. Now we have found that this is not convenient. Now the program always marks the removed beads with special code. By default the code is “Skip”. It is possible to change that sound as you need. See video here.

Version 3.15 realised on January 18, 2024.
There are following news regarding to 3d bell design: (see video here)
1. Fixed the bug belongs to word chart parentheses.
2. 3d bell “Legend” dialog has news features:
– there is the option to mark word chart row corner beads with red circle,
– it is possible to select interesting word chart row by right mouse click on the row any bead in main design window.
Old 3d star feature “legend” renamed as “mark 3d star” – see main menu item “View / Show star marks”. The reason of the renaming is next. New feature “Star legend” will be implemened in the nearest time (similar to other “legend” features).

Version 3.14.02 realised on January 12, 2024. Fixed the bug belongs to unnrcessary asking of hole size for non star design pattern format.

Version 3.14. realised on January 9, 2024. It is now possible to add/remove rows for a 3D peyote star. Added new drawing tool “fill connected area”.

Version 3.13. realised on December 3, 2023. It is now possible to increase/decrease the size of a 3D peyote star hole.

Version 3.12. realised on November 7, 2023. It is now possible to create a hole for 3D peyote star, see video.

Version 3.11. realised on October 12, 2023. It is now possible to export/save a 3D bead bell template. It is now possible to change the size of the beads. See the Attributes tab of the File / Properties dialog. The button “Bead size…”.

Version 3.10. There is a legend of a verbal description of a 3D beaded bell.

Version 3.09. realised on Jule 20 2023. A word chart of a 3D beaded bell has appeared.

Version 3.08. realised on June 11, 2023. Symmetrical drawing for a 3D beaded bell – the repetition of the pattern on all 5 parts is implemented.

Version 3.07. realised on May 1, 2023. The update concerns symmetrical drawing for classic peyote and brick formats. The reflection options are implemented – from left to right, from top to bottom, diagonally and their combinations. You can specify the position of the center of symmetry.

Version 3.06. realised on. April 10, 2023. Word chart for brick classic format has been corrected.

Version 3.05. realised on April 1, 2023. Word chart for peyote classic format has been corrected.

Version 3.04. realised on March 8, 2023. For the classic brick beading format the ability to create a scheme with an even (previously) and an odd number of beads in a row (horizontally) has been added.

Version 3.03. realised on March 5, 2023. For the classic peyote beading format the ability to create a scheme with an even (previously) and an odd number of beads in a column (in height) has been added.

Version 3.02.realised on March 1, 2023. The main menu commands “File \ Close” and “View \ Update” appeared.

Version 3.01.01 realised on February 27, 2023. Fixed a bug belongs to line drawing tool.

Version 3.01 realised on February 3, 2023.

  • New weaving format 3d pod both peyote and brick variants. The option has been realizedsee the sample.
  • New weaving format earring. The option has been realized. Differs from 3d pod only in word chart – see the sample.
  • New weaving format 3d jingle bell (circular peyote)see here.
  • Symmetric drawing featurte for all new weaving formats – see the sample.
  • Import loaded image colors for all new weaving formats – see the sample.

History of beading with Peyote Creator version 2.XX

Version 2.03 realised on August 15. Now “legend” feature works for 3d peyote a star with 6 rays also.

Version 2.02 realised on June 21. The update concerns symmetrical drawing of the design of the general shape of geometric beading (peyote triangle, warped square, etc.). Now symmetrical drawing with a mirror image from left to right is available for such a design.

Version 2.01.02 realised on June 19. Fixed an error of PDF exporting of a list of used colors of 3d peyote star. Previously, this list included only the beads of the current visible side of the star.

Version 2.01 realised on June 16. Now the program has the ability to output a “legend” for 3d peyote a star. See details here. This feature is only available for stars with a ray count of 5.

History of beading with Peyote Creator version 1.XX

Version 1.14.02 realised on May 13. Found and fixed the following serious error that occurred under certain conditions after exporting 3d stars to pdf document. Sometimes after that, the scheme stopped being edited normally and it was necessary to restart the program.

Version 1.14 realised on March 31. The news belong to 3d peyote star. – It’s a possible to add\remove the star rows. – The status-bar displays detailed info about the bead under mouse location within the star ray.

Version 1.12 realised on March 16. Now 3d peyote star rays number can be in the range 4-16.

Version 1.11.02 realised on February 24. There are news regarding to 3d peyote star: – Symmetric drawing feature works more quickly. – Fixed following word chart bug: sometimes worked 1 columns mode output only, 2 and 3 columns modes worked not correct.

Version 1.11.01 realised on February 22. Now 3d peyote star with 7 rays can be made.

Version 1.10.01 realised on February 16. There are following news belong to 3d peyote star symmetric drawing feature – it’s a possible to draw with left to right mirror reflection, – it’s a possible to copy \ paste any ray as whole staff, – there is a feature for showing axises of symmetry according to selected parameters.

Version 1.09.01 realised on February 10. There are following news – 4 rays 3D peyote star realized. So PeyteCreator allows to create 4, 5, 6 rays peyote star, – user can to customize what geometrical pattern formats are interesing and display them only in the GUI, – warped square “classic” and “uniform” options removed from creation window, the window creates warped square “classic” option always. “Classic” and “uniform” exist as main menu items.

Version 1.08.01 realised on February 7. Import image on 3D peyote star has new option for importing on “both sides” variant, the option is “Reflect image left to rignt on another side”.

Version 1.07.01 realised on February 4. 3D peyote star symmetric drawing feature has new option: mirror reflection left to right while drawing copying beads on another star side.

Version 1.06.02 realised on February 1. Now “Edit color group” feature has next option for a star pattern format: select the color replacement workspace – both sides of the star at the same time or only the currently displayed side of the star. Also fixed following bugs. Both buttons “filled rectangle” and “filled circle” always worked with both star sides — no matter for ‘symmetrical drawing’ feature or without it.

Version 1.06.01A realised on January 25. “Edit color group” feature bug fixed.

Version 1.06.01 realised on December 24. 3D peyote star with 6 beams has been realised.

Version 1.05.01 realised on December 9. Symmetric drawing feature now is available for 3d peyote star.

Version 1.04.02a realised on September 2. One bug fixed.

Version 1.04.02 realised on September 1. Now import of picture colors for 3D Peyote Star design has 2 options regarding to the design side – import to one vizible side or import to both sides.

Version 1.04.01 realised on August 28. There is available a new geomertrical pattern format – 3D Peyote Star with 5 beams.

Version 1.03.09 realised on Jule 9. News of this version belongs to Word Chart output for 3D ball design. Now there is an option for output separate triangle image on whole PDF page.

Version 1.03.08 realised on Jule 2. All news belong to Warped Square pattern format. In prior program versions all beads of this format locates by nonstandard way – they locates uniformaly over whole square surface; it happened for same technical reasons. Now the beads can be arranged in a standard way, i.e. they are pressed as much as possible to the edges of the square, in the program this is called the “classic” type of design. The old version is also available, it is called the “uniform” design type. This option is available in the previous dialog for creating a design File \ New. You can also change the type\appearance of an already created warped square – classic to uniform and vice versa. See main menu items “File \ Warped Square \ Classic Warped Square” and “File \ Warped Square \ Uniforf Warped Square”.

Version 1.03.07 realised on May 19, 2021. It has added following feature belongs to “Symmetric paint” dialog for Hexagon Triangle geometric pattern format. That pattern consists from 6 Peyote Triangles. Earlier the dialog allows repeating user drawing within separate triangle. Now it allows repainting the drawing on other triangles. There are 4 options – repeat the drawing at all triangles, – repeat the drawing through one triangle, – repeat the drawing through two triangles, – don’t repeat the drawing.

Version 1.03.06 realised on May 10, 2021. It has added 2 new columns to display the list of palette colors. 1st new column is “Symbols color identifiers”. Previously, such icon symbols were displayed at the beginning of the “Mfg code” column, clicking on the column sorted the colors by the value of the mfg code, it was impossible to sort the list of colors by the value of the symbol. This created a noticeable inconvenience when searching for the desired color in the palette by its symbol. Now this logical GUI design error is eliminated and you can easily find any color in the palette in the same way as we search the dictionary for a word by its 1st letter. The 2nd new column “Color view” is displayed simply by filling the column rectangle with the corresponding color of the palette. Previously, such a color fill was like the background of the “Mfg code” column. The text of this code was visually confused with the fill color, plus there was an identifier symbol at the beginning of the column. Now all these elements are separated into separate columns, the width and display of which are adjusted independently.

Version 1.03.05 realised on April 24, 2021. Added the ability to create a collage by repeating the design by copying it a specified number of times horizontally and / or vertically. This feature can be useful when creating bracelets, etc. See the “Edit \ Repeat Design” main menu item.

Version 1.03.04 realised on April 13, 2021. It added code to compensate for the error of the March update of Windows 10, as a result of which the following error appeared in the program. When displaying a graphic design image (export to PDF and export to a graphic file), a monotonous black rectangle was displayed instead of a colored picture of beads. A kind of electronic analogue of the famous “black square” of Malevich.

Version 1.03.03 realised on March 04, 2021. There is an ability to show build process of the design assembling – some kind of dynamic word chart. See the main menu item “Service \ Show build process”.

Version 1.03.02 realised on March 1, 2021. Fixed bug in “Edit color group” dialog. Simplified GUI of the dialogs “Edit color group” and “Change palette”.

Version 1.03.01 realised on February 25, 2021. Added the ability to create a 3-dimensional ball beading scheme. See the main menu item File \ Composite \ 3d ball.

Version 1.02.04 realised on January 24, 2021. Added the ability to output a word chart in the form of columns for schemes of geometric beadving formats. Additional formatting options for this output have also been added.

Version 1.02.03 realised on January 8, 2021. Added the ability to remove and restore the beads of the scheme.

Version 1.02.02 realised on December 18, 2020. Added the ability to import images from a graphic file into the colors of the beads of the scheme. See the main menu item File \ Import picture colors.

Version 1.02.01 realised on October 20, 2020. Added the ability to create a word chart of the schemes of geometric formats in the form of a PDF document.

Version 1.01.01 realised on September 1, 2020. It implements the basic functions of creating beading schemes in classical and geometric formats.